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This year one of our main focuses will be to have everyone involved in our 2010 Year
End Rock Concert.
In the past we have had as many as 250 people at the concert and with everyone working
together I’m hoping to surpass that number in 2010! It’s going to be our best concert yet!
Registration for the concert will start in Feb 2010.
The main reasons for this are;
1. We need to rent a hall from the City of Cambridge and in order to do so we have a
minimum number of participants we require in order to host the event in a larger venue.
2. If we require extra help we can prepare for it long in advance.
3. The students who sign up the earliest will have the most preparation time and will
likely be able to perform more than 1 or 2 songs!
4.We need to plan rehearsals for everyone .We will have 4 rehearsals, one in Feb, March, April and
one in May 2010. Anyone planning to play in the concert MUST attend 2 rehearsals!
In the past there have been some bitter disasters with people who did not attend
Rehearsals yet showed up for the performance.
I will avoid the May 24 long weekend and
will set the practice dates Soon giving everyone plenty of time to adjust your
family schedule.
The performing fee is $50.00 per performer. This will allow us to host the concert in a
hall and rent and hire all the gear and personnel required.